Monday, April 4, 2011

Trip to Seward

This past week Matthew ans I went to Seward which is the port city you want to visit to go see the Kenai Fjords National Park. Unfortunately it was a rather dreary day but the sun came out a little for us. The city is still pretty shut down since it is not quite tourist season but a lot of the locals said that if we cam back mid-april to may we would get some REALLY neat views of the fjords and wild animals, galore. It's still to cold for much site-seeing but we had fun. We walked along a but of the historical section and they spent about 5 hours in the Wildlife Center. That was the neatest place! The Seabirds in the hatchery had not fear and even the other sealife seemed almost fealess. Matthew even bought me a pearl necklace kit where we harvested the pearl and put it in thei reallt pretting whale tail setting. I'm not sure if we had more fun getting into the oyster or setting the pearl into the necklace (I'll try to have pics of that later). Anyway, Here's some pictures of that journey:

(Of course we saw moose along the way, lol)

(We stopped along the way and had some fun with the camera. Mostly we were between highway 1 to Anchorage and the Seward high which breaks off hwy 1)

(We tried to get some good pics with both of us but it can be difficult with just the 2 of us!)

(More Alaskan mountains along hwy 1) (We found some flowing waterslong the way to Seward!)

(The train runs right through Moose Pass so we were able to get some pics)

(We stopped by Moose Pass on the way to get drinks. We loved the water wheel and this sign!)

(One of several Welcome to Sewards" signs)

(we went to the visitor center and they had this HUGE stuffed bear which was so wild to see so we had to get a picture with it!)

(Look, Grisley Adams!!!)

(Matthew goofing around)

(Me, TOO!!)

(Downtown Seward main strip)

(An old dog sled....thought it was pretty cool to see)

(Matthew standing in front of the old Seward train station)

(Welcome to the Alaska Sealife Center, one of Seward's main attractions)

(I think he could make it out on the water. He certainly looks the part!)

(Matthew was fascinated by the Walrus bones)

(That's a sperm whale tooth I'm stretched out in front of... Just giving it persective)

(One of the birds in the Hatchery...We liked this guy. He just kept swimming against the glass. We think he was a little addled, lol)
(Matthew and I in the bird hatchery- I'm burning that shirt)

(Introducing the sea lions!- the loved the show off!)

(Yes, they had lots of photo op pleaces and we took advantage of them!)

(Matthew and I on the Sealife Center balcony)

(The seals were very curious that day. He also loves to pose of the camera!)

(Very curious sea lions. The gentleman said it as because they came from a center where people couldn't watch them from an underwater perpective so they were confused of "how people people could be in their pool with them")

(YAY, sea lions...I also saw my first alaskan wild one but it was so quick to catch on camera)

(Ww saw this and thought it was the cutest graffiti we'd ever seen!)

(A view of the Kenai Fjords National park from across the waterway)

(This is one of the runoff waterfalls that occur during the breakup season- kind of like our spring but with MUCH more water!)

(Our first visit to a boat graveyard- never seen a ship run aground before)

(Matthew standing in the foreground with the Kenai Fjords standing majesticly behind him. The park is closed now because the snow makes it much more dangerous to visit- plus it is WAY to cold to go there, lolol!)

(this is just another snapshot of Seward's shoreline. It's much more beautiful when the sun is out!)

(this is a memorial to the child who created Alaska's state flag the plaque states that the blue is for alask'a blue sky, the north star is for the northern most state- or something like that- and the big dipper is for alaska's state bear- since the constillation is names after a bear)