Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Getting to KC

Welcome back everyone!

Matthew and I finally made it to Kansas City with relatively no problems. Getting here was quite an experience though. I’ve never driven so far and so long in my life so I got a REALLY good idea of how big this country really is.

(Our first pit stop in Virginia as at the welcome center and of course I couldn't pass up a picture in front of the VA welcome sign.)

We took a rather unusual route for our journey which included a rather twisted 2-lane highway through the Appalachian Mountains via the Daniel Boone Wilderness Road through the Cumberland Gap.  We made a pit stop at the The Cumberland Gap National Park which educates it spectators about the first passable road through the Appalachian chain.  Once we finished there the road lead us through VirginiaTennessee and Kentucky. While we couldn’t stop very long at the park but we are making plan on the return trip to stop and enjoy some Appalachian splendor including some beautiful trails and a guided cave expedition! Plus, while in Kentucky, we took some time to partake in some authentic KFC, lol!

(Matthew in front the the Cumberland Gap National Park sign. The pups LOVED being outside!)

(He loves Daniel Boone and was thrilled to get a picture with this mural depicting Daniel Boone leading a group of pioneers westward through the Gap)

( I enjoyed the mountain folk style decor all around the welcome center.)  

(Of course I had to get a picture in front the the sign as well)

After that our journey was relatively smooth, especially once we left the mountains. I mean, Great Plains are FLAT!!! Nothing but flat grasslands as far as the eye can see. I think the only things obstructing our view were the trees and barns. In between the cities there was nothing but plains and farms. Cows, goats, buffalo, and rams, very neat!  We decided to stop in Georgetown, Indiana (approx 500 miles into our trip) for a rest at the local Motel 6. Not the most fancy of hotels but clean AND they allowed us to bring in all the “Children”. Poor Annie and Colby were SO confused and full on energy. Colby was running in circles around the bed, lol. 

(We entered Indiana and found our welcome sign! I'd say we were just about half way there)

(I know these are not the best pictures but you can see how flat it was past the mountains)

The next day we drove through Illinois and I was surprised that there were no Welcome signs for us to get any pictures but other than that ours was an uneventful drive.

(We're in Illinois, but no welcome sign )

Once we reached St. Louis, we had to stop for a visit to Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Park (or as I will always call it: Arch Park, lol). Thankfully the weather was beautiful and we could really enjoy the lake, walking under the arch, and walking along the Mississippi River. I’ve flown over it so many times but I’ve never actually seen the river so I was thrilled to death to FINALLY see it. We also found out that they have river tours and there is an entrance to the archway to allow people to visit the top of the arch so we are definitely planning a trip back. Matthew and I also walked a little downtown which was so much fun. I felt like I was back wondering the street of Chicago and it was so much fun!

(Welcome to the Arach, so COOL! PLus there were geese EVERYWHERE!)

(Colby and I in park around the Arch)

(We had to get a pic in fround the the Mississippi River. The PArk also has an access point where you could connect with tours and also kayaking and other expididtions...you can see the ship tours in the background!)

(I HAD to touch the water....you know me!)

(Matthew found a memorial to Robert E. Lee who was the engineer in charge of creating a canal to redirect the Mississippi back to St. Louis and reestablish it as a port town back in the 1840s) 

(A shot of the downtown St. Louis Skyline)

Finally we continued on to Kansas City and I was shocked once we got our first view! It looked as big as Los Angeles (which I’m sure it isn’t but, wow, it looked like it!). We ended up lost downtown for almost an hour before we finally found the right highway. I had no idea how many highways there were in KC but one highway we had to take had 21 exits, INSANE!

Anyway, our apartment is very nice and the bathtub is a garden tub, yay! We’re on the 2nd level with a nice view of the lake. The first morning we woke up to Canadian geese swimming. It was so relaxing. The apartment complex also has a dog run, tennis courts, a gym, and exercise classes, as well as free Starbuck coffee and a Sunday breakfast two Sundays a month. 

(a view of the downtown Kansas City Skyline)

(Another skyline view)

(A view of the geese swimming around the pond outside our apartment balcony)

(A view of Children's Mercy Hospital)

I finished up my first day of orientation yesterday and I start my clinical orientation the next 2 night so I’ll update more on that as I work. Matthew and I are already planning several trips so look for more pictures as we travel more.

Hope you enjoyed the update and look for more to come! Merry Christmas!

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