Saturday, March 12, 2011

The flight there

We’re finally in Soldotna.
After 9.5 hours in the air and three hours of layovers, we’re finally here. We started out in an United Express Jet, a.k.a a puddle-jumper, meaning 2 seats on one side and one seat on the other. I had to duck to get through the door so I can only imagine how poor Matthew got through. Thankfully we were only on that flight for 2 hours

(We're waiting at the airport in Greenboro. It's 4:45am)

The only major problem was that the plane was thirty minutes delayed so we had to make a major run to our next flight in Chicago. We had to choke down a quick snack before boarding our next flight. I think we gave the boarding attendant quite a show with our scarfing, lol. Compared to our first flight, the Airbus 320 we flew in felt like a first-class flight. I fell asleep before take off and woke up four hours later when Matthew woke me up for landing. I don’t think Matthew enjoyed the turbulence while landing but It could have been a lot worse. They showed “The King’s Speech” followed by a House episode but I was out like a light.

(We're on the first flight)

We finally Made it to O'Hare Internatinoal Airport which must have been renovated because it was much nicer than the last time I visited. I only wished we had more time because it would have been really cool to look at some of the history they showed throughout the airport.
(Matthew with the F-4F Wildcat, a replica of Officer O'Hare Plane)

Seattle Tacoma airport was a very pretty and very easy to maneuver through. We met up with some very friendly locals (mainly college kids since this is the national spring break…incidentally why are they headed to the cold tundric north? I figured they would all be heading for Cancoon, lol) who were happy to tell us about Washington. Apparently, the sun does shine in this state. After jumping the concourse to the correct terminal we stopped to spoil ourselves at the Chili’s Too that was in front of our gate. I had a delicious BBQ burger (the salads were approximately $15- too rich for my blood, lol). Once sated, we leisurely waited to board the plane. Even though we couldn’t leave the airport we got to see some beautiful Rocky mountain views.

(Matthew and I in the Concorse Terminal at Seattle/Tacome Airport)

(I'm standing under on the the "native" style boats in Washington, Obviously a native and it was beautiful!)

(If you look closely, you can see the Rocky mountains in the background)

The Alaskan Airline flight was fabulous. They offered multiple drink runs, individual entertainment rentals, and very comfortable seating. It was a relaxing four hours and I got to watch the “Black Swan” (which is a VERY disturbing movie). I also got the talk to a native kenai-ite who was coming home for spring break. Natalie gave me some excellent restaurant tips (which I will follow up with later). Once we flew over Alaska, the views were breath-taking. I took many pictures but I just don’t think they do it justice. It seemed almost unreal…like we were looking at pictures on the windows.

(Flying over Alaska)

Once we landed, gathered our luggage, and got our rental car we headed for the first, and most important pit stop: Wal-Mart. Yes, they have a Wal-Mart and we picked up groceries. Then we began the long, but gorgeous, drive to Soldotna. At least half the drive was along the mountain bases and half-frozen river. Once again, pictures just can’t do it justice. Most of our drive was during the day, and it didn’t get fully dark till almost 9:00 pm Alaska-Time.

(At the Alaska Airport)

(Of course we had to stop at the local Wal-Mart)

(If you cannot see it, the sunset was shining off the snow-top)

(Ice-bergs in the river runnning through the mountains)

(Another sunset picture)

We reached out apartment around 9:30 and got settled in. We’re staying in a two-bed, one bath apartment with two king-sized beds. Plus it’s completely furnished. We slept very well and have been relaxing so far this morning.

And by the way, YES, it’s very cold!


  1. Wow, Steph. The pics are just gorgeous, and it sounds like you had a nice trip up. Great blog. Keep them coming.

  2. Steph, this is awesome! Enjoy your adventures and congrats on your engagement! This is kinda like digital scrapbooking ~ love it!!! Love you! Kristen

  3. Shasta-Thanks girl! It was a blast! Miss you and Scott already!
    KRisten- Yep, I'm lovin the traveling! MAtthew and I are REALLY excited! Someone recommended Blogger and it is so easy and fun! Hope all is well and talk soon! Love ya;ll and talk soon!
